I've been trying to get this release out for over a month and new little issues keep coming up. At this point I need to move on but I can't go further months wi...
I was able to rewrite the free cams touch implementation so I decided to get the android version of the dress up build released! Now features the new touch cont...
Hello peeps, Dress Up Build has been updated! First lets get that out the way then go into other details. Dress Up 0.7.1 This Dress Up release focuses on a new...
Below is a summary of updates made on SubscribeStar ! Hello peeps! I've been knee deep in development bringing the game closer to full functionality. While I do...
This is a small update that is intended to make the game a little more stable, as such certain progression elements have been disabled until I can properly fix...
I know this is unexpected by I realize it's a bit mean to make everyone wait on android releases just cause of my troubles. At the very least I should offer the...
Hey peeps, a new dress up update! This is all the new items made since the last release, and a few extras that accidentally were excluded last release. Thanks t...
I originally wanted to do this release on valentines day and had this outfit ready and everything! Sadly I felt I wanted more of a release and became a bit para...
5 files — 0.5.2.c, 0.5.2.d
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